Thursday, June 01, 2006

Letter to Laura Laughlin-Special agent in charge, Seattle FBI continued

THS, DSHS, doctors and PTS are useing methodone to control the behavior of Annie preventing her from going to Kashmir, India for treatment by two of the worlds most prominent M.D.'s ; preventing her from working for my ministry; and preventing her from seeing me to prevent me from finding out the specifics of the harmful effects of heroin and methodone on her and her baby.
Religious discrimination and harassment against my Christian ministry and discrimination against the Muslim faith and Dr. Rafig, M.D. and colleagues, and spiritual traditions of India and China by THS, DSHS, her doctors and PTS.
DSHS, THS, doctors, and PTS manipulating Annie into useing courts and Seattle Police to harass and discredit me and my ministry. The judge threw out her action against me. The Seattle Police lieutenant promised me the harrassment would stop although it hasn't.
Sadly the above occured during her entire pregnancy and now in the months afterword. She is still suffering from her addictions of which I have conclusive proof.

To be continued next week. Please continue to pray for Annie and her baby.


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