Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Tainted-The U.S. Coast Guard

As a United States Merchant Marine captain with an upper level ocean license granted by the U.S. Coast Guard it is disheartening to write about how the U.S. Coast Guard has become tainted by the drug corrupted system in Seattle.
I used to race my sailboat but quit because racing was becoming to hazardous due to drug and alcohol usage by some sailors while racing.
The Port of Seattle, a yacht club, and two businesses sponsored a race this year every Friday night during August. To promote the race they gave out free beer after the race at the yacht club. By doing this they attracted the alcoholics and drug addicts to the races.
As if this wasn't bad enough the race course crossed the entrance to the locks and rounded the main buoy for vessel traffic coming in and out of Seattle. This course and the racing sailboats in effect created a hazard to safe navigation, let alone the hazard created by these boats having a skipper and crew under the influence of drugs and alcohol.
I did my duty as a captain and brought this to the attention of the U.S. Coast Guard captain in charge. He agreed with me about the course and said he was against drug and alcohol usage on the water. He thanked me and said he would get back to me. I never heard from him again. The races went on and the U.S. Coast Guard became part of Seattle's drug corrupted system.
God forgive Amereica!


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