Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Norm Maleng-HYPOCRITE!

Norm Maleng is going to try to put Mary away for the rest of her life because she failed treatment and because she tested positive for cocaine.
This blog was started to expose the corruption of the Godless state funded drug treatment programs that don't work. We will continue to expose those responsible-law enforcement and politicians, i.e. Congressman Dave Reicherdt, whom Norm Maleng just described in the most complementary terms in the Seattle Times.
But what about the cocaine aspect. What has Norm Maleng done to stop the flow of cocaine into this country and King County. The answer is nothing. What high level figure in the cocaine trade, i.e. Paul Allen (the subject of a future post) has he prosecuted-no one. Has he put his life in danger to stop the cocaine scourge destroying this country-no!
I asked my father why in Columbia are people willing to die to stop the cocaine economy in their country? He didn't know. Why have presidents been assassinated? Why have the highest judges been assassinated? Why have the highest prosecutors been assassinated? Why have the highest police chiefs been assassinated? Why did Pope John Paul II go to Columbia and risk his life speaking out against the almost hopeless situation with cocaine. The answer is very simple-Columbia is still a spiritual country and practicing Catholics are willing to give their lives for their faith.
Why is no one willing to do the same here? The answer once again is very simple: we are no longer a spiritual nation. Ron Sims has made King County the most Godless county in the country and Christians have let this happen (subject of future post). As the rest of the western civilized world knows and the Muslim world we are known as a nation of rudeness, violence, and greed-traits of a drug corrupted society. These are the traits of Norm Maleng, his political cronies, and friends.
Jesus would have one word to describe Norm Maleng for wanting to put Mary away for the rest of her life for allegedly testing positive for cocaine and failing treatment-HYPOCRITE!


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